Reverse Mortgages what are they really all about?

There are a lot of Myths around the Reverse Mortgage, so why is it that they are continuing to grow in popularity?  A Reverse mortgage is a financial tool that takes your home equity, turns it into cash and  may  used for any purchase, or monthly payment made to yourself for extra living/spending allowance.  Or maybe you have wanted to go on a trip, now you can.  No repayment is due as long as you still live in the house and pay the property taxes and homeowners insurance, and keep up the home according to FHA requirements.

Yes you even keep the title to your home.  If your home’s value appreciates during the term of the reverse mortgage you or your heirs keep the remaining equity after repaying the reverse mortgage.

This is tax-free cash!  To learn more follow this link .

Should you need  more information on the Reverse Mortgage, give me a call @ 425-894-1898 and I can introduce you to a professional in this area.